Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Site is up!

Well it is finally done! I think that everyone will enjoy the new site both for its speed and ease in finding things. Ben, our new web designer, has created a really wonderful user friendly site that I think eveyone will enjoy. Now you can see the new youtube videos that we have been doing with BlackDog media. So far three of them are ready to be seen. So feel free to go to the media section and check out the videos on Walter Dexter RCA, Goyer-Bonneau RCA and Carol Rossman. Naturally there will be possible little glitches to iron out but I feel that Ben at Spur of the Moment Media has done a fantastic job.

Yesterday Brian and I filmed a new mini-video that will be up shortly. Actually I think everyone will see this as a site to return to regularly. we will also be using the blog part to inform people of new work arriving in the gallery. for our out-of-town clients this means they won't have to scour the site trying to figure out if we have anything new in.

At the moment it is late saturday afternoon and it is almost time to go home. So to all of you I bid adieu for now and will write more next week.